2013, 2015 Showcased designer at the New Zealand Eco Fashion Week
2015: Invited Keynote and Guest Designer at Eco Fashion Week
2010: Invited International Designer Showcase Eco Fashion Week. NZ
2009: Invited African Designer at Auction @ President Obama’s Inauguration
2008: Showcased designer for the MTN Durban Fashion Week,
International Women’s Day, SMME Trade Fair in South Africa
2008: Invited Designer at MTN Durban Fashion Week. SA
2007: Invited Designer Showcase Hong Kong (Fair trade)
Selected as a showcased designer in Washington D.C. for Barack Obama’s Presidential Inauguration Ball-January 2009.
Showcased as Hong Kong Trade Fair 2003 - International Desiggner Category
Showcased in Taiwan twice a year from 2003 to 2007 as Karishma Design.
Several exhibitions were part of openings for special spaces such as Yoga Studios, Magazines, Restaurants, Spas, etc.
Exhibitions included: Soul - 2003
Masquarade- 2004
Heaven and Hell - 2004
Ma - A japanese inspired showcase as part of a tea house opening - 2005
The African Identiy- 2005
The Zen of Clothing- 2006
The Afrodeity Showcase: 2007
Special guest designer for the opening of the ICC in Durban in 1993 hosting Nelson Mandela.
Awarded the Greyville Young Designer Fashion Award for Best Design in 1997.
Design made from mesh bags, waste fabric and woven grass curtains. Bartel Young Designer Awards for best product made from recycled
material in 1993.